​The Haliburton Highlands Women's Golf League is a non-profit group with the goal of bringing women together on golf courses around the area. We have many different courses in Haliburton County and they offer us the opportunity to golf in the beauty of the highlands. ​
We currently have three different golfing groups: two 9-hole groups that play on Tuesday afternoons with tee times starting at 3 pm and one 18-hole handicapped group that plays on Wednesday afternoons with tee times starting at 2 pm. You are welcome to join both days. If you prefer later 9-hole tee times, join the Chippers with tee times that start at 3 pm and then again at 5 pm.
For more information about our events and other golf events and courses in the area, see our Events and Golf pages.
We are excited for the 2025 Golf Season and hope you are too . This is my third year as President for the HHWGL; Thanks to a wonderful executive team, 2024 was a successful one. Our Executive is made up of a fantastic group of women committed to having our League run smoothly and ensure it’s competitive and fun. It is my honour to be a part of it.
Sue Desroches has joined our executive as Vice President. Thank you, Sue! We are excited to work with you and welcome your enthusiasm.
In preparation for the upcoming season, there are a few IMPORTANT housekeeping details I’d like to bring to your attention:
The Icebreaker Tee will be held on Friday May 2nd at 7 pm and will be back at the Haliburton Curling Club.
This is a great opportunity to meet and socialize with your fellow golfers and to learn about all the fun things planned for 2025! We hope to see you all at the Haliburton Curling Club on Friday May 2, 2025, at 7pm.
Last year we had good interest and participation in the clinics and lessons offered by Pinestone, Gull River and Carnarvon Golf courses, so we’ll be bringing those back for this year. You can register at the Tee or we will send out details in May for the clinics.
If you are unavailable to join the Icebreaker Tee, make sure to sign up now on our “Membership” page and we’ll see you on the golf course.
If you’d like to “try before you buy” both the 9- and 18-hole leagues, you are welcome to play up to 2 times before committing. You can contact our league Captains to try it out, contact info can be found on the “Contact Us” page of the website.
We encourage you to join the Golf Association of Ontario. If you have any questions about the benefits of being a member, please contact Sandi Glecoff, our wonderful GAO Representative whose contact information can also be found on the “Contact Us” page of the website.
​New initiatives for the 2025 season:
Golf Tip of the Week including some fun contests and chances to win prizes.
We are exploring the possibility of adding a 9-hole morning league on Tuesdays. This will depend on the willingness of the golf courses to add morning tee times and whether we have sufficient interest from our membership. Stay tuned for an email coming soon!
BBB Tournament:
Our Best Ball Bash Tournament and AGM in September is a great time every year. A big THANK YOU to Jen Ackert, Robin Begin, Sandi Glecoff, Emily Glecoff and Heather Carroll for taking the lead in 2024 and making it a success. Our Tournament Team has volunteered to run the 2025 BBB and I’m sure it will be a blast.
We will announce date and location for the BBB soon.
​ A huge shout out and many thanks to Christina Carere for building, updating and maintaining our new website to make sure it meets the needs of our membership and visitors to the site.
If you have any suggestions, questions, comments or compliments, please feel free to let me know.
Hit them straight gals!
Dale Rider